It's not Christmas till you come home 是我一次在Spotify意外聽到的,整個曲風就很適合夜晚的房間,我一直以來都很喜歡爵士風格,配上蠟燭看點書,很放鬆很棒! 十二月到了,如果蠟燭有肉桂味,就更有聖誕氣氛了


Norah Jones 曾經被評為2000年代的 top jazz artist,也得過九項葛萊美獎,這幾年來陸續都有在發專輯,之後慢慢介紹



Norah Jones



I won’t believe it’s Christmas 我不相信這是聖誕節

’Til you make it home to me 直到你把它帶回家

The snow isn’t white, the stars aren’t bright 雪不白,星星不亮

And lights don’t belong on the tree 而燈不屬於樹


I’ll stay up all night waiting 我會整夜等待(你)

For you on Christmas Eve 為了你在聖誕節前夕(平安夜)

The sleigh bells won’t ring, Bing Crosby won’t sing 雪橇鈴不會響,Bing Crosby 不會唱歌

It’s not Christmas ’til you come home 這不是聖誕節,直到你回家 (直到你回家,才是聖誕節)

I won’t believe it’s Christmas 我不相信這是聖誕節

’Til you walk through that door 直到你走過那扇門

There’s no Tiny Tim and Santa is slim 沒有小蒂姆,聖誕老人很瘦

And mistletoe’s hung on the floor 槲寄生掛在地板上

I made a promise to you 我對你許下承諾

To wait for your return 等你回來

*The snowflakes won’t fall 雪花不會落

We can’t deck the halls 我們不能裝飾大廳

It’s not Christmas ’til you come home 這不是聖誕節,直到你回家 (直到你回家,才是聖誕節)


Norah Jones 歌曲推薦



Norah Jones 介紹 

Norah Jones - Wikipedia


'Til or Till: What's the Difference? - Writing Explained


What are sleigh bells called? sleigh bells 叫什麼?
(其實 sleigh bells=jingle bell)

A jingle bell or sleigh bell

A jingle bell or sleigh bell is a type of bell which produces a distinctive ‘jingle’ sound, especially in large numbers. They find use in many areas as a percussion instrument, including the classic sleigh bell sound and morris dancing.


為什麼 ‘’Bing Crosby won’t sing’’ ?

Merry Christmas (Bing Crosby album) - Wikipedia





Who is Tiny Tim? 誰是Tiny Tim?
他是A Christmas Carol 小說中虛構的角色,有被翻拍成電影,就是聖誕夜怪譚
Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol) - Wikipedia



What is Mistletoe? 什麼是槲寄生 (槲音同「湖」)?
PS 根據西方的耶誕習俗,只要在槲寄生花圈下相遇,就算互不認識,任誰都可以正當地親吻彼此 lol
Mariah Carey在All I Want For Christmas Is You (SuperFestive!) 就有唱到!
I’m just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe 我會一直在槲寄生下等待(你)





【節慶英文】聖誕節怎麼過?各國聖誕文化比一比! | Engoo線上英文


[節慶] [送禮] Alternative Christmas Tree 超有氣氛的聖誕樹替代品: 聖誕樹掛布

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