在天空下跳騷莎:台灣, 台北, 圓山花博, 麻吉廣場 (北捷綠線 圓山站)
每月第一個星期日, 6:00 pm~10:00 pm (8:00 pm 教學時間)
你想體驗Salsa嗎? 來這裡! 每月第一個星期日在圓山麻吉廣場,6:00 pm就開始,我都大約7:00~8:00 pm到,soy latina啦~ 如果你想吃點東西,可以提早來,旁邊一排餐廳是很好的選擇,跳舞時想休息還有位子坐
常約拉丁舞蹈圈朋友來這跳舞,有時舞室的老師們會在這辦教學,或是直接 8:00pm加入,通常會有小教學時間,跳一跳心情超好!
「Salsa 騷莎」就是墨西哥料理常吃到的Salsa醬,包含著酸、甜、辣、鹹各種口味的醬。在墨西哥,去餐廳幾乎都會提供紅醬和綠醬,裡面包含至少3~4種的辣椒,附上Nacho玉米餅讓你免費吃,開胃菜的概念 (可以一直續,幾乎每一家都好吃! 我光是在墨西哥期間就胖了五公斤,很可怕...台灣滿貴的,會忍不住自己做)。 而騷莎的音樂與舞蹈,就像salsa醬,融合了各地的特色和風格,我超級愛!也許有一天你的舞伴會是我~推薦給你
更多資訊: FB CLUB: 在天空下跳SALSA
[音樂] [西班牙語歌曲] [Salsa] Yo no sé mañana 我不知道明天_Luis Enrique_騷莎歌手推薦: 騷莎王子+西班牙語歌詞翻譯/中文翻譯003
[音樂] [西班牙語歌曲] [Salsa] Vivir mi vida 活出自我_Marc Anthony 馬克安東尼_拉丁派對神曲_西班牙語歌詞翻譯013+西班牙語學習
[音樂] [西班牙語歌曲] [Bachata] [舞蹈] Tu Cumpleaños Happy Birthday (Bachata) 你的生日 (巴恰達版)_DJ ABO Solano_西班牙語歌詞翻譯/中文翻譯015+西班牙語學習
Dancing salsa under the sky
Taiwan, Taipei, Yuanshan, Maji Square (Taipei MRT Green Line- Yuanshan station)
First Sunday of every month, 6:00 pm~10:00 pm (8:00 pm Teaching Time)
The outdoor Salsa Concert
is coming on the first Sunday of every month. It starts at 6:00 pm, I usually arrive around 7:00~8:00 pm, soy latina~ Yuanshan Maji Square is a semi-outdoor open space with a fixed daily disinfection environment, air circulation, and excellent event space. There are buildings to block the wind, and there is a large canopy that is not afraid of violent storms and typhoons.
I fell in love with this place at the first sight when my friend invited me to join them. There are many restaurants and outdoor seating next to it, so it's relaxing to eat while dancing. The good Latin music is all free, everyone is welcome to play together! In a relaxed mood, come here for dinner, listen to music, and chat!!
"Salsa" is the salsa sauce often eaten in Mexican cuisine, including sour, sweet, spicy, and salty sauces. In Mexico, red sauce and green sauce are almost always served in restaurants, which contain at least 3~4 kinds of peppers, and Nacho is attached for you to eat for free. The concept of appetizers (can be continued, almost every restaurant is delicious! I've gained 5kg just in Mexico, it was horrible... Taiwan is so expensive, I can't help but make it myself). Salsa music and dance, like salsa sauce, combine the characteristics and styles of various places, I love it so much! Maybe one day your dance partner will be me.
If you don't know how to go, could PM me. If you want to learn some basic Salsa dance, one of my friends organizes a small course before the party here, around 4:00~6:00 pm, or just join at 8:00 p.m, there is Teaching Time. Also, you can just join the Facebook club for taking more salsa info in Taiwan. Maybe we will meet here next time!
More info: FB CLUB: 在天空下跳SALSA
Salsa Music Sharing: Yo no sé mañana